Monday, December 31, 2012


It's pretty sad how easily I get attached to people. If a boy talks to me for even just two days, non-stop and then on the third day stops talking to me, I will get upset. That's how easily I get attached to people. It sucks because I have high expectations and usually get disappointed. Its no ones fault but my own and I can't help it. I just want someone to stick around in my life and for them to be permanent. Because lately, it doesn't seem like anyone in my life stays; they're all end up leaving me at the same point. I just wish I had a clique of friends so maybe I could feel like I was a part of something or felt as if I had friends. I spend most of my nights laying in bed, crying. I just want to feel like I matter to someone and like someone wants me in their life as much as I want them in mine.

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