Friday, December 21, 2012


I’ll never regret meeting my girls. Better yet, meeting them was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.  It all started when I first stepped into this so called black hole, SMKA TUN PERAK. We went through a lot of things together.  I never thought I would say this, but I’m really grateful for being in a KAA school. I thank my parents for shipping me off there.  I met a lot of different people and they are great in their own way. I learned their way of speaking and their attitude and I realized that this world does not revolve around girls only. My friends showed me how beautiful life really is.  They opened up my eyes  on a bigger view of life and somehow, they’ve changed me into a better person. well, over there, they are my absolute family. We have been through a lot of things together. 3 years of sleeping, eat, jog, talk and cry together.  Right now, I still cannot believe that all of these are ending soon which is next year. I know we always fight over small things but that can never break our bond as sisters and brothers. I love it how we will always support each other when things get rough. I love it how we don’t judge each other based on our results or the bad things that we did. I love how strong our batch is. I love it how we will always solve things together and figure out a solution to work things out whenever something bad is happening. I love it how we do not go against our batch leaders. And the best part is that, I love how crazy, loud and annoying our batch is. All the crazy and stupid things that we would do to make each other happy especially on our birthdays and weekends. The craziest things that we could possibly do to make each other wide awake during class or stay-up. Maybe 3 years is not enough, I don’t think it will never be. I am not ready to be far apart from my batch. They are my sisters and brothers eternity. I know things are going to be different once we leave each other, but, to me, our memories together as stp-ians will forever stay in my heart. They’re the reason why I look forward to go to school. Even though  we do the same thing almost every day through out the whole year at school, but they’re the reason why each day is different from the day before and the day tomorrow. I love them, so much!!

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